If you are wondering what "Dun kuks" is, you're not alone - it's what Jordan (our lovely little 2 year old boy) typically says when he sees the huge Dump Trucks that frequent the work sites around us. In fact he spends most of the day looking at them and the "diggas" with their "soops" (scoups). Katie asked him today if he wanted to drive a dump truck when he was bigger - he said, "Nooo, digga driver, with sooops" ... adorable isn't he :)
The kids have been alerted to the vibrations, something is up ... |
Well well, turns out that we needed a wee bit of top soil. So the dump truck paid us a visit, a rather voluminous visit:
Somebody ordered a few tonnes of dirt? |
I suppose here is ok? |
Oh yes, there were two more loads. This is our front yard ... |
We were told that a small digger would come in the next day or so to spread the top soil down everywhere. Who needs TV with entertainment like this, the kids surely are having quite an experience here.
Oh yes, for those of you who think organic apples are wussy little dried up looking shrunken heads, check out these Appleus Gigantus:
Those may be tiny hands, but those apples weren't small by any means. The trouble I had was telling if the apples were bigger than their smiles, or vice versa! :) |
... I rest my case.
If anybody needs me, I'll be sitting on my giant piles of dirt eating giant apples!
... until my next post that is.
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