Framing good!

Winter is creeping up on us. There has been a few cold snaps of late, brr! And it does rain so ... oh yes, it does bucket down! Katie has been busy with her own projects - she's too busy to blog however, so I'm filling in the tid-bits. She's currently doing a course in taking sheep fleece fresh of the sheep's back, and spinning it into wool thread. This involves washing the fleece first, then carding it using a roller carder, spinning, plying, then dying it, and finally knitting it into something useful ... cool eh! She's also doing a plant propagation course which is a great skill to add to our household because of all the tree planting that we will have to be doing in the near future. These activities and being a home schooling mum and running the farm food box system gives her plenty to be busy about :) House build The next stage of our house is upon us; the frames. We got the delivery the other week, and they were up in a day! ... ye...